Justice-Impacted Resources

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Did you miss our recent Bank On event, Justice & Finance Forum: Fostering Economic Resilience? Watch the full recording to learn from community members who were formerly incarcerated about the barriers to financial access and challenges to meeting their financial goals. They also shared solutions and resources that we can use to improve the experience of justice-involved individuals in financial institutions and community-based organizations.

Dehumanizing labels used to refer to incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals, such as “inmate”, “criminal”, “convict”, “ex-convict”, and others contribute to the stereotyping and stigmatizing of people impacted by the justice system. Individuals with justice system involvement are not defined by their conviction history. The words we use to reference them should reflect their humanity and acknowledge their capacity to change and grow. Learn more from The Fortune Society.

"Dehumanizing labels stereotype and marginalize people rather than support them while they rebuild their lives."  - The Fortune Society