Recent Research & Publications
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As part of an ongoing effort to highlight safe online banking strategies, the FDIC released two new cybersecurity brochures aimed at consumers and business customers of financial institutions. The brochures include tips to help users protect and maintain their computer systems and data. In addition to expanded cybersecurity information available online, the FDIC also released a special edition of the quarterly newsletter FDIC Consumer News featuring precautions consumers can take at home and when banking remotely using laptops, desktops, smartphones, and other mobile devices.
For more information about the FDIC’s educational programs and services for consumers, including a toll-free call center, free videos and brochures, FDIC Consumer News, and the Money Smart financial education curriculum (one version for adults and one for young adults), visit the FDIC website or call 1-877-ASK-FDIC (1-877-275-3342).
Puget Sound AFN is a regional chapter of grantmakers who invest in opportunities for low and moderate-income individuals and families to build economic well-being. Members include private, public, corporate, and community foundations, public-sector funders, and financial institutions who want to help residents of the Puget Sound secure economic stability, for now, and for years to come. Puget Sound AFN connects funders and their peers in the nonprofit, public, and private sectors. Together they share promising programs and smart strategies, gather knowledge to make their grantmaking more effective, and work to increase investments in asset building.
By Ari Lazarus, Consumer Education Specialist, FTC
The Federal Trade Commission, “The Changing Consumer Demographics” workshop examines demographic shifts. As the U.S. population ages and gets more diverse, consumer protection strategies must evolve to make sure we’re protecting all communities. Workshop participants, including expert demographers and leaders in marketing, consumer advocacy, and law enforcement, discussed what the population will look like in the future – and what that means for consumer protection.
Knowledge + Skills + Access to Resources = Financial Capability
- ProsperityNOW lists ten core financial capability services that address different elements of an individual’s financial life.
- Building Financial Capability: A Planning Guide for Integrated Services is an interactive resource to help a wide range of community-based and social service organizations integrate financial capability services into their existing programs.
What is Human-Centered Design?
At, part of its mission is to spread human-centered design to social sector practitioners around the world. The Field Guide has everything you need to understand the people you’re designing for, to have more effective brainstorms, to prototype your ideas, and to ultimately arrive at more creative solutions.
Prosperity Now believes that “prosperity” starts with financial security—not being one paycheck away from financial disaster. It gains momentum with financial stability – having savings to obtain assets that build wealth, like a house or an education. And it continues with financial mobility – the opportunity to climb the economic ladder for a brighter future.
To ensure everyone has the chance to prosper, Prosperity Now serves a broad, diverse audience across the nation.
A comprehensive resource for data on household financial health and policy recommendations to help put everyone in our country on a path to prosperity.
The West Coast Poverty Center works to bridge the gaps between anti-poverty research, practice, and policy by connecting scholars, policymakers, and practitioners? facilitating important social policy research? magnifying the reach of new knowledge? and fostering the next generation of anti-poverty scholars.
At the UW, the Center mentors the next generation of poverty scholars and practitioners through faculty awards, research assistantships and dissertation fellowships for graduate students, and graduate programs of study. Beyond the university, the Poverty Center works to bring poverty-relevant knowledge to policymakers and practitioners and to engage researchers and policy practitioners in dialogue through outreach, communications, and events.